I-Ningbo Chendong Sports & Sanitarian Co., Ltd.
I-Ningbo Chendong Sports & Sanitarian Co., Ltd.


E-China, i-Chendong Sports ihlukaniswa phakathi komkhiqizi nomphakeli. Ifektri yethu ihlinzeka ngokusekela nama-Braces, i-Yoga Leggings, Ibhande Lokusekela Ukhalo, Isudi ye-Sauna, I-Posture Corrector. Idizayini eyeqisayo, izinto zokusetshenziswa ezisezingeni eliphezulu, ukusebenza okuphezulu kanye nentengo encintisanayo yilokho wonke amakhasimende akufunayo, futhi yilokho futhi esingakunikeza khona. Sithatha izinga eliphezulu, intengo enengqondo kanye nenkonzo ephelele.
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I-Full Back Support Posture Corrector

I-Full Back Support Posture Corrector

Ukulungisa I-posture Corrector, ibhande lokusekela le-unisex labadala i-neoprene eliguquguqukayo ehlombe emuva komzimba elinwebekayo elihlezi emuva liqinisa ukuqina okumaphakathi, idizayini enethezekile futhi ephefumulayo, elungele ukugqokwa okusondelene. ukuma, ukudala ukuma okukhangayo nokuzethemba.
I-Adjustable Support Belt Posture Corrector

I-Adjustable Support Belt Posture Corrector

I-Adjustable Support Belt Posture Corrector, ukuvikela okuchwepheshile okunethezeka okuguquguqukayo kwe-postural braces kanye nezisekelo zabesilisa nabesifazane. i-adjustable back brace inezinsimbi zokusekela eziguquguqukayo ezingu-2 ezizosiza ukuqondisa umhlane wakho. Le brace ye-lumbar yabesilisa nabesifazane izosiza ukukhulula ubuhlungu emahlombe akho kanye nokhalo ngokukhipha ingcindezi ezindaweni ezibalulekile emhlane wakho. I-brace yangemuva iyanwebeka ngempumelelo futhi ikhuthaze inkumbulo ye-lumbar, amahlombe nemisipha yangemuva futhi ilungise kalula ukuma ukuze uhlale uqiniseka.
I-Lumbar Back Brace Posture Corrector elungisekayo

I-Lumbar Back Brace Posture Corrector elungisekayo

I-Lumbar Back Brace Posture Corrector elungisekayo, i-orthopedic low spine support scoliosis back strap brace posture adjustable corrector yabesilisa nabesifazane I-pink Posture Corrector yethu iklanyelwe ukukusiza uthuthukise indlela omi ngayo futhi unciphise ubuhlungu beqolo obungapheli. Ngomusa welula amahlombe akho futhi uqondanise umgogodla wakho, kunciphisa ukucindezela ezindaweni ezibalulekile, ukuhlinzeka ngokukhululeka emuva, intamo, ihlombe, nobuhlungu be-clavicle.
I-Adjustable Breathable Thuthukisa Indlela Yokuma

I-Adjustable Breathable Thuthukisa Indlela Yokuma

I-Adjustable Breathable Thuthukisa Indlela Yokuma,I-Intelligent Upper Back Clavicle Brace Smart Sensor Vibration Adjustable Shoulder Straightener Posture Corrector, Shaja ngaphambi kokusetshenziswa. Uma sishaja umqeqeshi wethu oqondile, onokukhanya okuyinkomba, ukukhanya okubomvu okungaguquki kusho ukushaja okuvamile, ukukhanya okuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka okungaguquki kusho ukusebenza okugcwele okugcwele / okuvamile. Uma ungakwazi ukuvula isikhumbuzi, sicela usikhokhise imizuzu eyi-10 kuqala.Ngemva kokushajwa ngokugcwele. ifakwe intambo yokushaja ye-USB, kulula ukuyishaja.
I-Adjustable Back Support Upright Posture Corrector

I-Adjustable Back Support Upright Posture Corrector

I-Adjustable Back Support Upright Posture Corrector, i-amazon ethengisa kakhulu Ifektri eguquguqukayo isekela umqeqeshi wokuma okuqondile kanye nesilungisi samadoda nabesifazane, welula amahlombe akho ngokuphumelelayo, esiza ukukhulula umgogodla wakho endaweni eqondile. Yehlisa ingcindezi engemuva nasentanyeni yezinzwa
I-Fitness Sports Back Stretcher Posture Corrector

I-Fitness Sports Back Stretcher Posture Corrector

I-Fitness Sports Back Stretcher Posture Corrector, i-neoprene eshintshwayo ephrinta i-orthopedic spine back straightener yabesifazane Kiss humpback yakho noma i-scoliosis goodbye ngoba i-backbrace yethu elungisekayo inezintambo ezisekela i-fiber rod ezi-4, ezivaliwe futhi ezingakhipheki ukusiza ukuqondisa umhlane wakho. Susa ubuhlungu ehlombe lakho, intamo, nokhalo ngokukhipha ingcindezi ezindaweni ezibalulekile emhlane wakho.
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